Hub Agency

We offer a single 24/7 contact point for all maritime services, for all you could require, worldwide. We stand ready to help regarding chartering, financial services, maritime market research, protective agency and more. Our goal is to maintain efficiency of your business.


  • Supply of bunker fuels, chemicals and lubricants
  • Bunkering network worldwide
  • Trusted partnerships
  • Cost effective


  • Worldwide network
  • Focused on transportation of bulk & project cargo

Customs Clearance

  • Imports & exports
  • T1s
  • Multitude of industries

Crew Welfare

  • Medical care
  • Travel arrangements, hotel bookings, shore passes
  • PCR tests

Husbandry Services

  • Global service, available 24/7.
  • Hospitality arrangements
  • Financial services

Maritime Market Research

  • Global data on vessel movements
  • Weather updates
  • Reports

Protective Agency

Financial Services

Ship Spares

  • Sourcing & delivery
  • Global service
  • Rapid provision

Vessel Technical Management

  • Support for dry-docking
  • Repair supervision
  • Follow-up activity